End of January Update

Hi everyone,

Myself and Emma at NeMA Studios just wanted to update you on our progress. We have had a lot of positive feedback about giving you regular updates so here we go.

This last month we have been working hard on clearing the backlog of orders and have been focusing on orders placed before January 2024. 

By fulfilment we mean orders shipped out to you. We have a lot of products in their final stages and are almost complete. Some figures are in pieces ready to be assembled, others waiting to be carded and parcelled up to be sent out.

First up Star fleet wave 1 we are up to 40% fulfilment. We expect that to jump in the next 7 days to be completely fulfilled.

V wave 1 is around 35 - 40% fulfilled but we are hoping for that number to go to 90% fulfilled in the next 7 days if not even sooner.

In regards to Ewoks, custom pieces and archive items e.g. Trap door.  Orders are in the final stages and will be shipped out shortly.

Fiendish Feet and Monstrous Berk are almost 100% fulfilled. 

Chorlton and Fenella we are at around 40 - 60% again we are expecting to fulfil all of those very soon.

Batfink is currently with our new painters. They are looking great and we are really excited about showing you the final painted product. He is going to be shipping in middle to late February. 

V Wave 2 is in Production. We have test shots and we are expecting these to be shipped in March.

We also want to say a massive Thank you to everyone who has been very understanding, supportive and patient. This has allowed us to catch up on the backlog of orders. We have deliberately not put any product out for the end of January so we could completely focus and produce as much product as possible. We also didn't think it was fair to expect you to buy more product when you are still waiting for pre orders from the previous year. 

All in all great progress has been made but we still have work to do. We are going to keep contact to a minimum as this has proven to work and carry on fulfilling orders and getting products to you. Further updates to come.


Nic and Emma